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This series was created by designer Gwenael Nicolas, who has completed many different projects throughout the world. A concentration of his sensibilities, AIMA will instantly evoke curiosity in all who see it. The name comes from the design’s use of empty space (aima in Japanese) to express a sense of “unfinished beauty” (mikan no bi). This truly unrivaled series will bring an atmosphere of quiet luxury to your space.

The AIMA Armchair features a cushioned seat with plenty of room to sit comfortably. The plush back is soft to the touch, with the upholstered portion extending all the way to the elbows to provide support no matter how you like to sit. It fits well with dining or lounge spaces, perfect for hospitality settings.

The AIMA Bar Chair has an added stretcher at the bottom for ease of use, and adds a luxurious atmosphere to restaurant counters or high tables. Front stretcher is available in wood or stainless steel.

Test short description


Gwenael Nicolas
Gwenael Nicolas

Owner of design studio Curiosity, which he founded in 1998. Based in Tokyo, mainly focused on designing international luxury brand boutique spaces, he works seamlessly between interior design, products, installation, graphics, and other things necessary to create the store. His ability to create stores highlighting each brand's essence and unique facets is highly valued, and he is behind many flagship stores in major cities. In recent years, he has expanded into the field of hospitality, and plans on designing for hotels and residences.

Designer’s Profile

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